Green Meadows Academy and Rawdon St Peter’s have a long-standing and successful partnership in which pupils who are on-roll at GMA but based in Orchard Class at Rawdon St Peter’s benefit from a model of inclusion that facilitates access to a selection of mainstream lessons, depending on their individual needs. This model ensures that pupils can progress and develop in academic areas as well as socially with age-related peers. With a small class size, a teaching team of trained specialists, and a staff/pupil ratio to ensure that all pupil’s individual needs are met, Orchard Class presents a distinct offer in which our pupils can thrive.
Pupils within the partnership are aged between Year 1 and Year 6 and can access a range of mainstream opportunities including whole-school activities, Collective Worship, breaks and lunch-time, educational trips, visits and residential stays with their Rawdon St Peter’s friends, as well as infilling to more academic lessons and classes, as appropriate. In Orchard Class, when not accessing mainstream lessons our pupils will follow a bespoke semi-formal curriculum that is designed to promote independence, personal development and academic achievement.
Pupils in Orchard Class all have an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP), and applications for places should be directed to SENSAP at Leeds City Council in the first instance, expressing a preference for Green Meadows Academy Rawdon St Peter’s Partnership.